Gawd knows, there's plenty of spheres where I come under that description - wildlife photography would be one of them. I see absolutely no shame at all in admitting to being a Luddite in any given sphere. In a previous life I spent the best part of 30+ years in an IT environment and so am not easily intimidated by computers and software, but I quite understand that other people might find those things a bit daunting at times. I am very limited in my computer ability having been a total luddite for many years and not having been in the sort of office situation where you learn things from other people It was a wonderful trip and that is what it is all about for me. Some of them are horrible because, of course, if there is a wild tiger right there you can't resist taking a photo no matter what the light or background. Yes, I have 5,000 to deal with right now. Now I think I probably need to set up a bunch of Keyword Sets to use and those can contain the hierarchies just for the images I am submitting and not for every tiger I have. I used to do a lot of copy and paste in the old image manager and add the additional keywords there. Honestly when I'm looking through the images I'd just as soon not see all that. The problem with doing proper hierarchies for me is that instead of just having "Bengal Tiger, Panthera tigris, tigris" on each of 5,000 images every one of those images would have the entire hierarchy of "Nature, Fauna, Mammal, etc., etc". It is actually my preference when I come back from a trip to just put the animal name and scientific name on every animal. I suspect I will never find out why some words were not exported and next time I do a submission I'll check what is showing up under "Will Export" and fix those words. I do have a pretty good handle on Lightroom and know what I need to do there. I don't have Excel and don't want to get it or learn it.
#Lightroom keyword manager mac mac
I have a Mac and although I have Pages I've never learned it. I am very limited in my computer ability having been a total luddite for many years and not having been in the sort of office situation where you learn things from other people. Oh, thank you, Richard, for trying to help. Thank you, York Photographer, for the comment. It is frustrating that I used to easily keyword in the Alamy Image Manager and now I seem to have to keyword elsewhere. I know the whole operation would be easier if I straighten out my list and make some keyword sets but it is a chore I don't enjoy so it gets put off. Unfortunately, I sort of abandoned my keyword list years ago and have just entered keywords in the spot under the box or in the box itself. I just don't know why some have worked and others have just not had that box checked by default. With the example of "animals" exporting but "animal" not doing so I need to go into the list and make them synonyms and I think that will solve that one. have been just fine and I can go into the words that didn't transfer and edit so that the box to export keyword is checked but I can't find a way to make that box checked by default. The words that I have worked on in the Keyword List to make synonyms, parents, etc. Here is a link to an Adobe article on keywords Hope you'll work it out and something helps. If you used synonyms functions, you can toggle the "Export Containing Keywords" and "Export Synonyms" for that particular parent keyword or set. If you compare the keywords on Alamy compared to LR, can you work out what the discrepancy is? If it is in Lightroom, right click on it and compare it to the one that made it to Alamy - what's different? Every single keyword has options if you check the Keyword List. Souldn't find specific help (and slightly unclear regarding the exact circumstances). does some keywords contain other keywords? Why? Can anyone help me?Īre all your keywords individual keywords or are you utilizing functions such as "parents" and "synonyms" i.e. So I went back to Lightroom and changed "Enter Keywords" to "Will Export" and saw that, indeed, it was not going to export the common names or the singular "animal". I was also sure I had batch added "animal, animals" but only "animals" had appeared in the Image Manager. So imagine my surprise as I go into the Image Manager today and find the Latin name but not the common name of the animals. That was mostly all I did in the olden days of a decent image manager to keyword in. When I'm sorting my images after a trip they are keyworded with what kind of animal it is and where I shot it.

I was very, very sure I had put in the common names of animals as well as the Latin names because that is actually the only thing I have always done. Some of my keywords have not transferred.

I tried to be pretty comprehensive about it so as not to have to use much of the dreaded Image Manager. I was a good girl and did keywording in Lightroom. Now I cannot understand what has happened.