They are people like you and like me, but they have taken a terrible turn. Is that official enough for you? Should I invite a third party to witness the exchange, maybe?" "Meet officially? What, with papers and a stamp? What is 'meet officially'? Silliness.They can't bear to remember how they once were." They try to destroy anything honest and good. They can't stand being near a good heart. "One thing that I do know is monsters, human or otherwise, can't stand hope.If our time is a tragedy, then it must be fate." "If our time together is a comedy, then I was brought here by coincidence.Don't pull all of the mystery out of your life. A knight in dented, scraped armor, now that's what you want." "Do you know what that really means? Knight in shining armor? A knight in shining armor never did nothing for nobody.They laughed and he told them stories, and Renate wanted to be just like him. Her father said to run if they didn't laugh, and he told the men that they smelled bad, they were ugly and their mothers dressed them funny. They found one, but the men near it grabbed their guns. Her sister had a fever and it was raining, and she needed to be near a warm fire. If Nancy asks her how she decided to become a storyteller, Renate will tell her that, between the wars, she was traveling with her father and sister. When Nancy solves the case of the monster's current appearances, Renate leaves the castle, satisfied.

Renate had also been going around finding clues, such as pages of the book The Captive Curse, and one of the decoding machine's rotors, and hiding them around the castle for others to find. Given that it is Castle Finster she goes to, and that the scarf ended up in the tunnels, it can be assumed that her sister is one of the missing girls. She comes to Castle Finster every time there is word of the monster reappearing, because she feels like she has to do something. Renate tells her that she was actually the little girl, and that it was her big sister who was killed. When Nancy actually ends up finding the scarf in the castle's passages, she gives it to Renate and surmises that the girl in the story was her sister. Her big sister chased after her, but it was too late - a monster had killed her. But one day, it blew into the woods, and she was chased after it. It had traveled all the way from India and she was so proud to have it. Renate tells Nancy a story she heard from a friend about a young girl who got a red scarf with elephants on it.

Renate grows increasingly worried about Nancy's fate when she starts to look more and more like the missing girls, putting on a traditional dress and finding the original necklace. Renate meets Nancy in 2011 when Nancy is investigating the monster sightings at Castle Finster. ** Patrick in ''Medallion'' definitely conveys the impression that he's been knocked on the head too many times during his rugby career, although nobody comes out and says it.Julia Sachon Renate Stoller is a traveling storyteller. ] ** Minette in ''Danger by Design'' is portrayed as simply just being eccentric - but some have pointed out that her volatile mood and unpredictable mood swings as well as periods of self destructive and impulsive behaviour ] could suggest Borderline Personality disorder, possibly Bipolar Disorder. *** Xenia in ''Labyrinth'' mentions that she suffered from a "vast sadness" as a child that she suspects will always return for her, which also sounds a lot like depression. The possibility that she may have depression is obvious, but never made explicit. A large part of the game's plot is helping Joy resolve her grief and move past her isolation. ** Joseph in ''The Final Scene'' shows signs of ] ** Joy in ''Carousel'' is pessimistic as a rule, never talks about anything other than work or her (dead) parents, and rarely shows any emotion other than resigned sadness. ** Colton from ''Ghost of Thornton Hall'' appears to have issues with anxiety and depression, but again, no one specifically states what his issues are. He shows all the symptoms of OCD, from arranging the items on his desk in a certain order to (allegedly) alphabetizing the ingredients for a sandwich before making said sandwich.

** Can also apply to Mason from ''The Deadly Device''. * AmbiguousDisorder: Rentaro in the ''Shadow at the Water's Edge'' is socially awkward, and even lampshades this by saying that he works with machines because they tolerate awkwardness.